Thursday, October 29, 2015

Invest In Your Body


        Melt Body Fat With These Workout Steps


     Okay let's be honest here. How many times in your life have you yo-yo with your weight?
Iv'e been there myself I used to be really big guy until I took action with my life. I used to weigh almost 300 lbs my joints hurt all the time, My back hurt a lot and I wasn't happy and I knew I had to take action and so I did.

Iv'e lost an amazing 70 lbs within a few short months and most of my body is hard muscle. Motivation and action is key to have a nice hard body.

First step is watch what you eat. Any kind of foods that's high in carbs or sodium is gonna put weight on you like crazy. The same goes for regular soda drinks or high calorie fruit juices they will put body fat on you and make you feel run down. I know that double cheeseburger and french fries from that burger joint is tempting and as delicious as it is stay away from those kinds of foods. They will put weight on you like crazy trust me.

Make wise decisions when you prepare your food and eat a healthy high protein breakfast for example eggs with mostly white very little yoke, chicken breast with lemon juice with diced tomatoes on top, and a high protein shake. And eat lighter though out the day but do eat to keep your metabolism going. Starving yourself is not the answer and make sure you drink plenty of water.

                Cardio Is A Great Way To Shed Body Fat

Nothing sheds body fat like cardio and eating the right kind of foods of course.
Anybody can lose weight and have the body they always want if they are willing to invest in there selves to achieve that goal. You gotta have drive and motivation it's not gonna happen overnight.

 Let me ask you this? Have you ever looked at a magazine in a checkout line getting ready to pay for your groceries and you think i wish i looked like this person in that fitness magazine? 

I was one of those people. But anyone can look like that if they are willing to invest in there body.
It doesn't matter how big your belly is or thick your thighs is. You yourself can change that and look amazing trust me. Get a gym membership it's not that expensive I pay $50.00 a month for a family plan it's totally worth it. It's worth saving your joint's from hurting all the time, It's worth saving your back from hurting a lot and totally worth saving yourself from future health problems like type 2 diabetes or heart disease. And as a bonus you look good you gotta keep at it though.

Set yourself a game plan to make it happen. I know a lot of us are busy and have jobs, kids or whatever the case may be. Make time for your body it's an investment. I myself always workout before going into work and for me it's a stress reliever and boosts my mood on top of it.

Let's say for example you have depression? Exercising helps with depression because it boosts them feel good neurons in your brain to boost mood. So keep at it and know that you are worth having the body that you always wanted. The compliments alone is a plus  Now your time to make it happen.

Weight Training Is Key To Body Definition And Strength  

One of the best ways to burn body fat and sculpt it into muscle is weight training.
Fact is muscle takes a third of space then body fat and muscle burns fat like a torch. But your not gonna get results over night it's gonna take some time. But don't be discouraged your hard work will pay off if you keep at it. I know a lot of us give up but giving up means failure. Not a route to go.

Make it a habit to always eat a high protein breakfast and shake before hitting the gym. Your metabolism works best in the morning when you wake up and slows down more in the evening time. that's why it's very important to watch your carb and sodium intake. Stay away from starchy foods like bread, yeast, potatoes and sugary drinks like soda pop and don't eat 4 hours before bedtime. 

Get a planner and make you a set schedule for example Monday is cardio, Tuesday is upper body training, Wednesday is mid section body training, Thursday is cardio and leg training, Friday is a rest day. Saturday is cardio and Sunday is a rest day. It's very helpful to be organized as we need to be.

Working On Your Mid Section Is A Great Way To Achieve Results

For a lot of us our mid section is our problem area and that's where we gain most of our weight.
And a great way to battle that is by working on your abdominal area such as sit-ups, leg-lifts, and working your back muscles, crunches with leg-lifts, there is many ways to work on your mid-section and along with a good diet plan and abdominal exercises results is very achievable is you act on it.

I always do crunches before I go to bed. And when I wake up in the morning. That is one key to achieving those Abs. But it does take work and you gotta keep at it to see results. And just think knowing that you are going to see results is exciting even if it does take a lot of work your on track.

Let me ask you this? How do you think these celebrities have such great body's?
They either have personal trainers or they work really hard on having that kind of body and it's not impossible to achieve anybody can do it. You just gotta have the drive and right mindset to do it.

What Are You Feeding Your Body?

I know we all get side tracked from our daily diet. We want that tasty bacon cheeseburger and cola to wash it down with. But we also know that our body is going to take the affect of the food choices we make. And no matter how much cardio you do or how active your lifestyle is these fatty foods will put weight on you quicker then you can think possible. That's why it's important to eat healthy.

These fast food restaurants are the biggest weight gainers out there. Unless you get a salad and a water everything else is just a greasy deep fried mess and just to think millions of people are putting that junk into there body's. And people wonder why America is the number one country for obese people. And it's the sad truth. People are more into taste rather than there health and it's bad.

One great way to change this kind of lifestyle is to plan your meals ahead of time with a planner. And cook at home with healthy food such as salmon, fish, chicken breast, salads, fruits, etc. what you put into your body affects your body because some of these foods not only fights cancerous substances. But affects your skin, your nails, hair, but helps melt body fat by upping your metabolism.

Let me as you this? Would you put cheap crappy gas in a expensive car requiring 93 octane or more?
How do you think that car is gonna run? Your gonna get a check engine light saying your car is running too rich or too lean because your car is set to run on the premium gas and you put the cheap stuff in.

 And it may be 20 cents more to the gallon to run the premium fuel but they have better detergents and ingredients to get your cars engine clean and running smoothly. And you body is the same way when it comes to food the high protein fish and salmon with basil, chicken breast, is your premium fuel for your body and the fatty foods is the crappy cheap fuel for your body which can gunk it up over time. Think about it?

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Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Success Is Having The Right Mindset And Taking Action

Mindset Investment


       Investing In Yourself For A Better Life


     Have you ever been in a situation to were you wish you had a better life than you have now? Weather or not it would be your finances, physical health, mental health, or spiritual health whatever your case may be. Well the good news is that I'm gonna teach you some steps to go about self investment and how you can be a light to others for having a prosperous and better life.

     Ask yourself this question? What does investing in yourself mean to you? 
Many aspects can come into play depending on your life or situation because for some people it could be more money, nicer home, newer car, And for some it could be physical fitness getting the body they always wanted whatever your case may be. 
     Let me ask you another question. Whats holding you back from achieving these goals?
For many of us we have busy lives. We have jobs we go to on a daily bases, We have kids we gotta take care of, And making dinner, Doing laundry, etc. And what happens you get set in a routine and that becomes your daily lives.

     Third question to ask yourself. How can I break the cycle of my daily routine and grow into being more successful in every aspect of my life?
     I'm glad you asked because I want everyone to be successful in everyday life and not just for myself but do this for you and reap the benefits for a better life. For example get a planner and a pen or even a notebook and organize your schedule and make time to work on yourself. Take that initiative to better yourself weather its physical fitness, building a business for yourself, or being spiritually connected whatever the case may be.  

                       Having The Right Mindset 


     No matter how hard you try in life if you don't have the right mindset your not going to be very successful in life. You have to be mentally and spiritually healthy to obtain that kind of mindset and in order to do so take action and gain wisdom from reading books to researching the web or getting to know the right kind of people and most important using common sense.
     Have you ever heard someone telling you that you are the company you keep?
     Let me tell you a true story that happened about ten years ago. I was hanging out with some friends and at the time these friends had no goals in life and they was all the time bumming money off me and they had no drive in them to wanna better there self. There mindset and focus was about them and they wanted nice things but didn't want to do anything to obtain it.

     I told them only way you are going to succeed is to put yourself out there and gain other people's trust. Trust is an important role in success because if nobody trusts you. Your gonna get a bad reputation and in return if you decide to start a business later on for example it's gonna fail. And I told them that if you want something bad enough you will gotta invest in something your good at make a business out of it.

     Let me ask you this? Which pays you more a job or owning your own successful business?

     Believe it or not I motivated these same friends and what I said to them sunk in and eventually they started a pressure washing business and they started making pretty good money.

     I've learned that the people you associate with in life can determine your success or failure in life because before I motivated them to go after success they was broke and wishing for the good life instead of pursuing it. 

     If you have the right mindset how you think can rub off on other people and you become a light to them. Because a lot of people are smart and talented enough to fulfill there highest goals. But a lot of us get stuck into a negative mindset because of negative people in the world. You have to filter out the negative thoughts and focus on the positive before new doors will open up in your life for the better.  

     Learn something new everyday and keep your mind healthy. Just like your body needs attention as far as eating right and exercising you mind needs it too. Organize your thoughts on a notebook and put them into action. They way you present yourself to other people with the right mindset is gonna help your future out a great deal.

                     Be A Leader Not A Follower


     We all been in situations to were as we followed the crowd to try to fit in and be cool or just blend in with other people. And that's were we mess up. You can't standout and reach other people if your a follower because all your doing is coping other people trying to fit in and people can read and see that off you.

     Ask yourself this? When was the last time you ever saw a follower being more successful than a leader? 

     The truth of the matter is that the most successful people in the world are leaders not followers. You yourself has to be the one to take action and navigate your life to fulfill your destiny. Nobody else but you can control it.

     We all have a purpose in life to reach the highest of our goals if we have the right mindset and drive to do it. The problem is we live in a society to were people are too comfortable in there routine and lifestyle and wanna make it happen. 

     We all want the good life but want are you doing about it?
Success requires knowledge, hard work, action, you can be the smartest person in the world but if you don't put your ideas into action what good is it? 

     I wish you the best of happiness and success 
                                                   Jonathan Tipton

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